Come to my booth at the 5th annual Bridal Show!

Are you or someone you know getting married? Come to the 5th annual bridal show at the Walldorff Brewpub at 105 E. State St., Hastings, MI! Tour the Victorian ballroom and talk to local vendors, or just gather information. All it will cost is a little of your time! I will have a booth there to answer any of your Reiki questions and how it will reduce Wedding Day stress for all involved! Jan.29th, 2011 from 12 – 4pm.

Prizes & giveaways
Local venders
Cash bar while you browse
Cash-n-carry items
Hors d’oeuvres

Merry Peacefulness!

“Now, what?” you are wondering. Why can’t she just say, “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays”? I’m afraid I am not one to just blurt out those greetings absentmindedly. Yes, the holidays bring a certain amount of hope and anticipation, there is no doubt about that. However, it is also one of the most stressful holidays of the year. A lot of pressure to make the season “turn out right”, what ever that may be. How many of us say, year after year, “I can’t wait for this holiday to be over so I can rest”? Why keep running ourselves into exhaustion for the sake of “tradition”? Why don’t we take the time to do some “self-meditation” on how our concept of this season affects our health and emotional well being? Should you make some minor changes in your holiday routine to take care of yourself? I say, “Yes, you should”! Thus, the reason this excerpt isn’t titled “Merry Stressfulness”. Do take care of yourself by scheduling a Reiki appointment with me today. Allow Reiki to be a part of your “Merry Peacefulness” and over-all well-being for the coming year! Gift certificates are available to give to your loved ones so they may enjoy their “Merry Peacefulness” also!

Cleaning House With Trash

Yep…another odd title.  But I’ll explain.  The story starts with two friends….very good friends who have been friends for a VERY long time.  They know each others deepest wishes and darkest secrets.  When one was sad or hurt, the other somehow “knew about it”.  They rarely had harsh words between them.  Due to circumstances beyond their control, the two went their own ways for a couple of years.  They still kept in touch, but rarely had the deep conversations that they usually had together.  Then one day, they reconnected.  Each was thrilled to talk to each other again….especially about the “old times”.  But, something had changed.  The one friend noticed that the other kept “skirting around the subject” when a specific question was directed to the other.  A cold chill conveyed over the conversations they had.  They had been friends far too long for this to create a shadow over their friendship.  One of the friends had become a Reiki Master in the time they had spent apart and so went home after their time together to pray over the matter.  The Reiki Master prayed for a short time alone when the answer presented its self.  “My friend is lying to me because of the fear of not appearing to be a perfect friend!”  So, out of either protecting interests or shamefulness, it was like the friend was “cleaning house with trash”.  The friend would rather lie than clear out the air of negativity.  Nothing gets resolved…nothing gets fixed….nothing gets healed!  It’s like fixing tooth decay with more soda and candy!  Although, sometimes lies are necessary to protect the innocent….however, even when those lies get found out imagine the “clean-up job” that it will be to fix the mess!  I really do not enjoy doing Reiki on a client who, when I ask a serious question of them, rather than tell me, “I am uncomfortable giving you that answer,” will, instead, all out lie to me.  I believe they forget that ALL energy, whether it be positive or negative, is stored in their bodies and that the energy presents itself as a positive or negative sensation to the healer.  Healers are their to help their clients by clearing out all negative aspects that aren’t to their clients “highest and best good”. An “all out lie” from the client just adds more “trash” to the body, spirit, emotions, and soul.  If by chance you do have a really close friend to talk to, do it!  (Especially between your Reiki appointments!)  Tis better to heal the wound then letting it fester!  Meanwhile, try to live in the “light of the world” rather than “hiding in its’ shadow”.  Namaste, my friends!

Reiki on a horse?

You read the topic title correctly….I used Reiki on a show horse last week. I feel that some people don’t realize that animals have energy systems that need balancing just as much as we do when unbalanced. This beautiful horse had a mis-hap and needed a chiropractors help to get her spine re-aligned. The chiropractor did his work (giftedly well, I might add) but, the horse was still having some discomfort. I was asked by the owner’s mother if I could possibly help the horse. I and the owner’s mother met the horse out in the corral area with the other boarded horses. All the horses were curious and wanted to be led out of the corral along with this particular horse. The horse fed on the fresh green grass while I worked on her. She was calm and content. After a while, the Mom led her into the barn to be brushed, fed, and watered. While in her stall, the Mom began to brush her. I put my hand up to her and touched her face. She stared at me and pressed her face firmer against my hand and held it there. I allowed the Reiki energy to continually flow through my hand as she did that. Meanwhile, the Mom stopped brushing her and stared at me open jawed. She stated, “This horse never allows ANYONE to touch her face!” She tried touching the horses face and the horse shied away. Again, I put my hand up to the horse’s face and she pressed against it. I told her that the horse was enjoying the Reiki energy and that I am naturally fearful of animals larger than me. It was quite a wonderful experience! The Mom contacted me later to tell me that the horse was very much improved after the experience. Her daughter, the owner of the horse, could not believe that I was able to touch her horse’s face. Reiki’s healing energy never ceases to amaze me!

What are you doing for yourself?

What a way to start a conversation….with yourself!  You’ve been told before….your body is a “temple” that needs to be treated as a “sacred space”.  Some of us like to load up that “space” with what WE consider sacred to US.  But, unfortunately, we don’t always know what that should be.  I like to treat my “sacred space” with quiet “ME TIME”.  “ME TIME” is necessary for self preservation!  It also allows me to figure out what makes me “tick”.  The time I spend in “silent discovery of myself” also allows me to figure out what my “needs” are to keep my “temple” sacred for my health and mental well-being.  Many of us don’t allow ourselves that personal time to do just that.  A Reiki Therapy Session is a great way to maintain your “self preservation” by allowing you to relax in a quiet and safe place, away from life’s crazy events, so as to discover, possibly with the help of your Reiki Practitioner, your “needs”.  Call me today to schedule your “ME TIME”!  You’re worth it!

We’ve Moved!

July 3, 2010….As of today, I can be found at Shear Pleasure Hair Designers located in downtown Middleville, MI.  To make an appointment, call (269) 795-7719.  The wonderful ladies there will be doing my scheduling for me.

Prices will remain the same and so will the same friendly and professional service you have come to expect from me.  Please, come to my new place of relaxation and healing.  New room, new table, new music, same great attention to the healing/relaxing light of Reiki!
