What are you doing for yourself?

What a way to start a conversation….with yourself!  You’ve been told before….your body is a “temple” that needs to be treated as a “sacred space”.  Some of us like to load up that “space” with what WE consider sacred to US.  But, unfortunately, we don’t always know what that should be.  I like to treat my “sacred space” with quiet “ME TIME”.  “ME TIME” is necessary for self preservation!  It also allows me to figure out what makes me “tick”.  The time I spend in “silent discovery of myself” also allows me to figure out what my “needs” are to keep my “temple” sacred for my health and mental well-being.  Many of us don’t allow ourselves that personal time to do just that.  A Reiki Therapy Session is a great way to maintain your “self preservation” by allowing you to relax in a quiet and safe place, away from life’s crazy events, so as to discover, possibly with the help of your Reiki Practitioner, your “needs”.  Call me today to schedule your “ME TIME”!  You’re worth it!