Here is your chance to check out some of the cool festivals in our area! I will have a booth at “Spirit Fest” at the Holiday Inn Hotel, 1099 M-43 in Hastings on November 9th from 1-5 pm. Other vendors include psychic consultants, tarot, energy tuning, astrology, jewelry, prizes, massage, palmistry, angel messages, charms, books and, of course, Reiki! If you cannot make that date, “The What Women Want Event” will be held on November 15th from 9-6 and will feature many vendors specifically catering to women and what they want! Look for my booth next to Tilton Chiropractic! I will be offering 5 minutes of free reiki, so bring your curious friends with you! The event is offering Goody Bags to the first 100 ladies with drawings for prizes and gift certificates throughout the day! It will be located at the Barry County Expo Center at 1350 M-37, Hastings, MI. I hope to see you at these events!
Yes, I Am On Facebook!
I have been asked recently, “Are you on Facebook?” You bet your “Sweet Bippy”, I am! Look for Julie Ann Coon, LLC – Reiki Master! I often post specials and relevant information for Reiki Clients and others in the West Michigan area. Join me on Facebook today!
Guided Imagery Classes now being offered!
Starting October 30, 2014, I will be offering weekly Guided Imagery Classes (also known as Guided Meditation) to help those who are stressed out and need to find a way to deeply relax. The class will be every Thursday evening for 7 weeks (no class on Thanksgiving) and will run from 7 pm to 8 pm at Tilton Chiropractic located at 218 W. Main St. in Middleville, MI. Cost is $10 per class per person. If you wish to prepay for all 7 classes at once, you’ll pay for 6 and receive the 7th class free! Class size is limited, so register early. Chairs will be provided, however you may bring a yoga mat if you’d prefer. Dress comfortably and bring a friend! Call me today for questions and to register! (269) 908-9227.
I’m Moving and will be Full Time!
Starting in mid-September, I will be practicing Reiki at Tilton Chiropractic Wellness Center in Middleville, Michigan full time! This has been a dream of mine to open more hours of service to you for your healing and wellness. To have my practice located in a Wellness Center is a bonus as they offer many healing therapies in their place of business. My new address will be 218 W. Main Street, Middleville, MI. Come to the center’s Open House on September 6, 2014 (during Middleville’s Heritage Day Celebration) to check the place out and to receive 5 minutes of FREE Reiki from me! I hope to see you soon!
Coming soon………
Can you believe that I have been a Reiki Master for 5 years already? Time flies….. Though I have changed locations of my practice a couple of times, I have, for the last 5 years, kept my Reiki Therapy charges competitive. Unfortunately, my expenses have been steadily climbing so, now it is time to get “caught up” with them. Starting July 1, 2014 I will be increasing my rates from $40 for a first time visit to $50 and every visit there after will be $40. I will keep my “special deal” of offering every fifth visit a FREE Reiki Therapy session. As a thank you for those of you who have had sessions with me these last 5 years, I would like to offer you a special deal. Before July 1st, purchase a block of sessions at the current charges to be used anytime during 2014. A “block” can be any size you want it to be. I will offer $10 off a “block” of 5 or more sessions as a bonus! Again, I would like to thank you all for allowing the healing touch of Reiki to become a part of your health and well being. I hope to see you soon! Namaste!
Wounded Healer
“Wounded healer is a term created by psychologist Carl Jung. The idea states that an analyst is compelled to treat patients because the analyst himself is “wounded”. The idea may have Greek mythology origins. Research has shown that 73.9% of counselors and psychotherapists have experienced one or more wounding experiences leading to career choice. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)”
Makes sense, doesn’t it? Experience is the best teacher so that explains why many choose the professions that they do. Compassion and empathy are, often times, developed through life experience. For me, I grew up somewhat “sickly” and was constantly concerned about other people’s health. I knew I didn’t enjoy feeling the way I did and I didn’t want others to feel that way, too, so I felt compelled to use those “wounded experiences” that I had experienced to compassionately help those suffering the same. This became a healthy way to not only help others, but also to help “heal” myself in the process. We all have experienced some sort of pain in our own lives at one time or another. My desire is to turn my pain into a healing experience for someone else who also suffers pain (physical, emotional, mental, etc.). Reiki does just that! Let me help you so that we both may heal together! Namaste!
Meditation… …what is it?
Meditation is the art of focusing 100% of your attention in one area. The practice comes with a myriad of well-publicized health benefits including increased concentration, decreased anxiety, and a general feeling of happiness. Should everybody meditate? Absolutely! I have come across many different ways a person can meditate. Anywhere from listening to meditation CDs to focused breathing to praying. All have the ability to improve your physical, spiritual, and mental well being. As a part of a Reiki Therapy Session from me, I have often used Guided Meditation with my clients to help them remove emotional blockages. If this interests you, give me a call today! Until then, breathe deeply and smile. It’s your world to conquer!
Getting “Grounded”
Have you ever felt mentally or emotionally “disjointed”, “sideways”, “foggy”, “scattered”, “unconnected”, etc.? You may need to “ground” yourself. Why is “grounding” important? People who are not “grounded” tend to be unfocused, unsettled, stress-filled and stressful, and heavily invested in controlling everything around them. The act of “grounding” tends to center and focus people, because it calms their bodies down and creates a warm and peaceful place in which to live. There are many methods used for “grounding” oneself. One that I use myself is going outside on a warmer day and standing bare footed upon the grass and “feel” the energy from the Earth pull up through me. Another method is imagining a silver chord stretching from your heart down through your body and continuing down to the center of the Earth and wrapping itself around the core there. Then, from the other end of the silver chord from your heart up through your head and continuing upward to the heavens and wrapping around the “great light” there. Remember to breath deeply during both of these of processes. These are only two of many methods! If you need more suggestions, contact me and I will help you find another way to “ground”!
Monthly Newsletter
Would you like to sign up for my monthly newsletter to learn more about Reiki and how it pertains to you, me and the world? Do so by signing up here on my website! Do you have questions about Reiki? Go to my contact page and email me directly. I am here to help you!
A Quest for Inner Truth
Deep title, I know. I am often asked how, when I perform a Reiki Therapy Treatment on a client, do I “know” what is going on in my clients body and in their life. When I was attuned to the healing energy of Reiki several years ago, I was taught to trust my inner voice. Boy, did that take lots of practice! Sometimes, I didn’t want to “hear” what was being “told” to me, although it was always in the best of interest for both me and my client. Over time, I learned to listen to that “inner voice” without judgement and used what I learned with faith that it truely was in the best interest for both involved. Separating ego from truth took practice, too. Reiki Energy only understands healing, not what we wish it to be. Also, healing isn’t always done in obvious ways….but, more on that later. My hope for you is that you will make it your “quest” to listen to your inner “truth” or “voice” when it comes time to help yourself or someone else and muster the courage to follow through on it. Many blessings to you and call me if you need a little help on your quest!