Life is constant change and having the ability to be flexible during those changes. I have updated my hours of business due to economical change. Never a dull moment for the self-employed! I thank you for your patience and staying “flexible” with me.
As a reminder….
Cancellation Policy
I understand that unanticipated events happen occasionally in everyone’s life. In my desire to be effective and fair to all clients, the following policies are honored:
24 hour advance notice is required when cancelling an appointment. This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule an appointment. If you are unable to give me 24 hours advance notice you will be charged $25 for your missed appointment. This amount must be paid prior to your next scheduled appointment.
Anyone who either forgets or consciously chooses to forgo their appointment for whatever reason will be considered a no-show. They will be charged for their appointment.
Late Arrivals
If you arrive late, your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. Depending upon how late you arrive, I will then determine if there is enough time remaining to start a treatment. Regardless of the length of the treatment actually given you will be responsible for the full session. Out of respect and consideration to other reiki clients, please plan accordingly and be on time.
I look forward to serving you!
Reiki 1 & 2 Class this spring!
I will be offering a Reiki I and II class Sunday, April 24, 2022, at Gifts for Body & Soul from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Cost is $250 per person. A down payment of $50 is due by April 1, 2022 to reserve your spot. If the class is cancelled due to illness, your down payment will be returned to you. Final payment is due on the class date. Cash, check, or using the app (a small transfer fee is required) is accepted. Please mail or drop off your down payment to Julie Ann Coon, %Gifts for Body & Soul, 118 N. Michigan Ave., Hastings, Mi 49058. Call me at (269) 908-9227 or email me at for questions concerning this class. Register early as class spaces are limited and fill up quickly. I hope to see you there!
Construction has begun!
The only thing constant in life is CHANGE! The green space next to Gifts for Body & Soul is currently undergoing construction for a new apartment building with first floor retail space. Parking in Hastings Parking Lot #8 will be interesting over the next few months. If you don’t find any available parking spots in Lot #8, try Lot #3 across from Apple Street. You can also try Hastings Downtown street parking. Those of us who work at Gifts for Body & Soul wish for your and the construction workers safety during this temporary (and necessary) inconvenience. Also, my Reiki Therapy room is located right next to the construction. Feel free to bring earbuds with you during your appointment with me as my little boom box stereo may not be sufficient enough to block out the construction noise. 😉
Reiki I & II Class!
I will be offering a Reiki I and II class Sunday, October 17, 2021, at Gifts for Body & Soul from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Cost is $250 per person. A down payment of $50 is due by September 27, 2021 to reserve your spot. If the class is cancelled due to illness, your down payment will be returned to you if you choose not to attend the rescheduled class. Final payment is due on the class date. Cash, check, or using the app (a small transfer fee is required) is accepted. Please mail or drop off your down payment to Julie Ann Coon, %Gifts for Body & Soul, 118 N. Michigan Ave., Hastings, Mi 49058. Call me at (269) 908-9227 or email me at for questions concerning this class. Register early as class spaces are limited and fill up quickly. I hope to see you there!
Exciting New Events Coming Soon!
Spring brings change to the landscape around us and our lives are no different. It feels like we are slowing emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic cocoon and with that, opening up to multiple and new possibilities! I’m excited (and optimistically cautious) for this time of new beginnings. I took advantage of our imposed “down time” to come up with ideas on how to grow ourselves mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually. Along with my reiki classes that I have offered yearly, I will be offering two new and exciting opportunities for that kind of growth in the coming months.
NEW: from 9 am to 10 am at Gifts for Body & Soul, I will be offering to anyone 18 years and older Monday Morning Guided Meditation Classes starting Monday after the Labor Day holiday. We will gather each Monday morning to release our stressors, build our energy for the coming week, and connect through “common ground”. Bring your coffee, yoga mat or use a chair, and enjoy a safe place to allow yourself to release in a safe environment. Price will be $15 a session or $55 per month if paid for in advance. Signup by August 31st is encouraged, but not required, as space will be limited. Sorry, no daycare provided.
I certainly have more ideas I want to incorporate, but since everything is still rather tentative with our pandemic situation, I will begin with these and continue to offer to you the gift of relaxation through personal reiki therapy. Please contact me if you are interested in either of these options or have questions. May you feel and be blessed today!
Stress and You!
Stress. We’ve all struggled with it at some point in our lives. When allowed to run rampant, it affects our health, our emotions, our relationships, our sleep, and much more. We’ve tried various ways to cope with it. Some not exactly healthy for our personal wellbeing. 2020, as a whole, was tremendously stressful. 2021 looks brighter, but not where we feel that we are out of the woods, yet. I continue to offer Reiki as a healthy alternative for stress relief. Many are beginning to let go of their New Year’s resolutions that they made at the beginning of this year due to lack of sticking power and not seeing results immediately. Reiki energy is immediate and lasting. Many of my clients report a continual sense of “well-being” after their first session and are excited to continue that feeling in their upcoming sessions. It’s easy. You lay there on my massage table, listen to relaxing music, breathe in the essential oil I have in my diffuser, and receive the wonderful and deeply relaxing reiki energy pulsing through my hands. There is no other sensation like it! Imagine sitting up, feeling completely relaxed for the first time in a long time, smiling and breathing easier. What’s not to love? Contact me today if you are interested in experiencing this sensation for yourself or would like a loved once to experience it, too, as I do offer gift certificates. Until then, take care and enjoy the spring that will be coming soon.
How is everyone holding up so far? There has certainly been a lot of uncomfortable changes we all have had to endure and I hope you have been able to maneuver through them as best as you can. I am still able to offer Reiki therapy services this whole time whether in-office or remotely (Distant Reiki). I’ve had to switch between the two due to being quarantined and then sick myself (not sure it was Covid as I tested negative, but had most of the symptoms). I will continue to offer both, but I would like to remind everyone that my health/safety protocol will still be in effect until further notice. The pandemic is still in full swing and the safety of my clients is very important to me. Health questions will still be asked of each in-office client and masks/face coverings will still be required. And I request that if you or anyone in your household feels sick (Covid or otherwise), please reschedule or use my Distant Reiki services. I will not require you to be vaccinated from the virus for an in-office appointment as I know some individuals have reservations about it. Due to the nature of my work being in close contact with individuals, I will be receiving it when it is available to me. Even so, I will keep safety protocols in place until I feel it is safe for everyone to go back to “normal”. I appreciate your understanding and patience during this unprecedented time. I want to continue to be of service to you through Reiki’s amazing, relaxing energy. That is something we all need right now! If you know someone who is struggling with the stress from the current state of affairs, consider giving them the “gift of relaxation” and purchase a gift certificate for Reiki services from me or any of the great ladies who work at Gifts for Body and Soul. Let’s spread hope and peace together.
Autumn has arrived and is ushering in a time of reflection about our health and happiness. 2020 has put us in a precarious situation. We are social beings (well, most of us) and we long to spend time with family and friends during the upcoming holiday season, however group gatherings have proven dangerous for those with underlying health issues. Working with clients one-on-one in an enclosed room, I am hyper aware how COVID-19 could easily infiltrate our body’s system by extended contact either through me or from a client. I take daily, meticulous precautions to keep us safe. Each client answers a short questionnaire, temperature is taken, masks are worn, a face shield is used, and surfaces are disinfected between each session. However, even with all of the safety measures in place, there is always a chance of transmission by the virus. If such an event happens, I will be contacting clients to alert them of possible infection. If you have been exposed to the virus and have an appointment scheduled with me, I ask that you either consider a Distant Reiki session or reschedule your appointment 2 weeks out. In the meantime, please know that I care about you and your wellbeing. I have added two new services to my practice. Energy Health Readings and Soul Piece Retrievals. I have been performing both on and off for over 15 years. I am able to advertise these now as I am in a location conducive to their acceptance and I feel that they will be beneficial to those looking for deeper healing. I’ll blog more about each in the next few weeks. In the meantime, feel free to contact me if you are interested in both or either of them. I wish you peace and health. ~Julie