Ah, February! That magical time of year of professed love and chocolate cravings! The feelings you get when kissed by your “infatuation” gives you a blissful “high” like no other. A Reiki Therapy Treatment produces similiar “feelings” when used on a client or ones self. What a better gift to give your loved one than a gift of relaxation and healing! I do have gift certificates available and they may be picked up here at Thornapple Health & Nutrition in Caledonia. Happy Valentine’Day!
Celebrating Small Business Saturday!
Mark it on your calendar….November 24, 2012 from 10am to 4pm at Thornapple Health & Nutrition in Caledonia, MI. I will be offering 5 minutes of free Reiki and my friend, Veronica, will be offering 3 minutes of Quantum Bio Feedback readings. Thornapple Health & Nutrition will also be offering specials deals and delicious samples of their health food products. Come in and enjoy the fun, food, and enlightenment!
The History of Reiki
Recently, an in depth research had been conducted into the history of the origin of Reiki. I have been given permission from the International Center of Reiki to link their findings to my website….enjoy the read!
Moving and a Bigger Purpose!
Hello again! I have split my career time over the last several years between Certified Pharmacy Technician and Reiki Master. Many people have asked me how I could be on both sides of the “fence” (science and metaphysical). Science wasn’t always…science. It started with a hunch, then a theory, then proof. I have seen positive results of drug therapy on a patient and I have witnessed the results of my clients being relieved from their discomfort with the help of Reiki Therapy. If both are used for the better of the patient and the patient is comfortable with both therapies, why would it NOT be alright to have both? I am for positive patient outcome, not who is “right” and who is “wrong”. Twelve years in a pharmacy setting has given me plenty of experience and information about prescription drug therapy and the effects on a patient who uses it. Yes, many of the side effects of the newer drugs (and some of the old “tried and true”) are truly frightening. Many people who are on these drugs (not all) wouldn’t need to be on prescription drug therapy if they were to change their lifestyle’s, i.e. eat healthier, move more, drop unhealthy vices…. With that in mind, I have decided to leave my job in the pharmacy setting and to move my Reiki practice to a new health food store where I have been hired to manage as well as to have a place to practice Reiki. I really want to help those who are serious about improving their health on all levels and I feel this new place for my practice would be more conducive to that endeavor. I plan on maintaining my Certification in Pharmacy Technician so as to add another dimension of helpful and healthful knowledge to both my clients and the store’s customer base. Â As of October 1st, you can contact me at Thornapple Health & Nutrition, 9175 Cherry Valley Ave., Suite D, Caledonia, MI, 49316. You can make appointments starting that day by using the store’s phone number of (616) 891-0898 between the times of 10am to 7pm. Check the rest of my website for available appointment times. Like any new venture, I am excited….and a little nervous! Please stop in during Grand Opening week (October 1st through the 6th) to enter for a chance at a free one hour Reiki session from me! Also, come check out my new “room” and the wonderful products being offer in the store including gluten-free, organic, holistic, natural, weight control, and sports nutrition products (to name a few). I hope to see you soon!
Psychic Attacks and Protecting Yourself
I have had many of my clients ask about ” Psychic Attacks” and how to rid and avoid them. They are the manipulation of supernatural energies and forces and occur when dark and negative energetic vibrations are sent from one individual to another individual or place creating disturbances in the energetic and physical bodies of the person or place. These energies can create harmful effects within the person receiving them and not all attacks are intentional. Energy Workers, including Reiki Masters, have the ability to rid of the attachments and repair the client’s aura. We can teach you how to avoid future attacks. I have had much training and experience in this area. Call me today if you feel you are the recipient of a “Psychic Attack”.
Reiki I and II Classes!
I hope you are doing well this winter. Are you interested or curious about being attuned to the healing energy of Reiki? I am very excited to announce Reiki I and II classes that I will be offering on March 24, 2012 from 9am to 5pm. The class will be located at The Scoop which is located next door to Shear Pleasure Hair Designers (my place of practice) downtown Middleville, MI. The cost will be $225 per person (due by March 10th) and includes a spiral bound text book on Reiki and a lunch at Big Easy (next door to The Scoop). Checks can be made out to Julie Ann Coon, LLC and sent to Shear Pleasure Hair Designers, 122 E. Main St., Middleville, MI 49333. I must have at least 4 students to hold this class. If you have any questions, you may call me or email me. This is a very spiritually uplifting class to take, so please consider telling your friends about it! There will be a $25 price break if you and a friend book together! Thank you and many blessings to you!
Recommended Reading List to survive “change”!
“We can’t stop the change, but we can guide it to a gentler landing.” Recommended reading list if you want to be in the “know”:
Deep Truth by Gregg Braden
Reiki Healing Touch & The Way of Jesus by Bruce G. Epperly & Katherine Gould Epperly
Chakras For Beginners by David Pond
Your Aura and Your Chakras – The Owner’s Manuel by Karla McLaren
The Healer’s Handbook by Patricia Telesco
Ancient Healing Techniques by Douglas DeLong
Happy Holidays!
We’ll it has been another whole year of Reiki Healing and relaxation at the Shear Pleasure Hair Designers location! I have been busy preparing to teach my first Reiki Classes coming this spring (details to follow later!) and learning about new health information that I can’t wait to pass along to you in the coming months. I have witnessed many healing and cleansing moments from my current clients and have been blessed by receiving new clients through referrals! Thank you! I hope that you are in a place of “happiness and fulfilling relaxation” and if you aren’t, please call me soon! No one needs to be stressed out during this blessed season! Consider purchasing a gift certificate for 1 hour of Reiki Therapy from me as a Christmas Gift for your loved one, friend, or coworker. (Bosses need to relax, too!) You can pick one up at Shear Pleasure or I can mail them to you upon request.
May the blessings of this season touch your heart and your home!
With Love and Light,
Julie Ann Coon
Foot Bath Detox….it’s a good thing!
I want to share with you what I do on a weekly basis to maintain my health along with daily self Reiki treatments. I discovered, through a friend, the wonderful benefits of the Foot Bath Detox System. What is that? It’s a special foot bath that uses your body’s own positive and negative electrically charged cells to cleanse your system of daily toxins,such as pesticides, heavy metals and pollutants so as to strengthen your immune system from such attacks. The Foot Bath treatment lasts 30 minutes and all you do is drink a large glass of water and relax! The Foot Bath, however, is NOT recommended for anyone who suffers from epilepsy, has a pacemaker fitted, has had organ implants, if you are pregnant, if you are under the age of 10, if you have any open wounds or abrasions on your feet. I am now offering this System to anyone who is interested for $20 per visit. I highly recommend it for anyone serious about taking care of themselves! If you have any questions, please e-mail me (found on the contact tab) and I will do my best to answer them promptly. Meanwhile, I hope this spring is finding you healthy, happy, and ready to do some “self spring cleaning”! Let Reiki keep you balanced and the Foot Bath Detox System keep you “cleaned out!” Namaste!