Want to learn about the healing benefits of Reiki and become attuned to it’s wonderful energy? I will be offering a Reiki I & II class at TTS Fitness, 640 Arlington CT., Middleville, MI 49333 on April 14, 2018 from 9 to 4 pm. Cost is $250 which includes the cost of your manual. A non-refundable $50 down payment is required and due by April 6, 2018. Please send your check to the above address made out to me, Julie Ann Coon, to hold your spot. Class size is limited, so contact me asap!
Not many people know that I offer a Senior Citizens Discount for people 65 years old or older who schedule Reiki Therapy sessions with me. Times are tight and if you are a senior citizen, you know what “stretching your dollar” is all about! Yet you, of all people, need the healing energy of Reiki more than most. Arthritis, back pain, high blood pressure, and so on, can be stressful to live with. Go to my “pricing” page to check out your special discount! Don’t suffer any longer! Â Contact me today!
Reiki I & II Classes Rescheduled!
I will be offering a Reiki I & II class at TTS Fitness, 640 Arlington CT., Middleville, MI 49333 on May 20, 2017 from 9 to 4 pm. Cost is $250 which includes the cost of your manual. A non-refundable $50 down payment is required and due by May 6, 2017. Please send your check to the above address made out to me, Julie Ann Coon, to hold your spot. Class size is limited, so contact me asap! April 15th classes have been cancelled.
Why Not Online Reiki Classes?
First of all, I will be offering a Reiki I & II class at TTS Fitness, 640 Arlington CT., Middleville, MI 49333 on April 15, 2017 from 9 to 4 pm. Cost is $250 which includes the cost of your manual. $50 of that cost is required 3 weeks before the class to hold your spot and is non-refundable. Please send the check to the above address made out to me.
Now, to answer that question, I find learning about reiki and becoming attuned to it’s symbols in person is optimal for the whole experience. The attunement process, itself, is very personal, so I really don’t know how online courses can give anyone the same experience or benefit. I also find that my students love being in a group learning the ways of reiki together as many come from differing backgrounds and life experience. If you are interested or have questions, contact me today!
New ICRT Affiliate Member!
I’m excited to announce that I am the newest member to the ICRT Affiliate Membership family! The International Center for Reiki Training folks are a professional reiki association that features a code of ethics and professional standards of practice. Their purpose is to provide professional recognition for members at the same time make it possible for those seeking Reiki sessions and classes to find qualified practitioners and teachers. My hope is that those who are seeking Reiki Therapy or wish to become trained in Reiki, and want to stay local, will have another route to find me and my services through this recognized organization. Contact me for more information!
The Annual Reiki Gift Certificate Sale is Back!
Tired of giving the gift of more STUFF for Christmas? Do you have friends, coworkers, and family members whom you care about struggling with stress and related issues? Give the gift of RELAXATION! Starting November 21, 2016, I am offering my annual $10.00 OFF the initial cost of each Reiki Therapy Gift Certificates purchased! Also, for every 4 certificates sold, you receive a 5th one at 50% OFF the original cost! Sale ends December 16, 2016. Â Contact me today to reserve yours! Member ABMP. Local and trusted Reiki Master for over 7 years.
Interested in learning Reiki?
I will be offering a Reiki I and II class Saturday, October 15, 2016, at TTS Fitness from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Cost is $250 per person which includes your text book. Please bring a sack lunch and wear comfortable clothing. A non-refundable down payment of $50 is due by September 28, 2016 to reserve your spot. Final payment is due on the class date. Cash or check is accepted. Please mail your down payment to Julie Ann Coon, % TTS Fitness, 640 Arlington Ct., Middleville, Mi 49333. Call me at (269) 908-9227 or email me at conduit67@yahoo.com any for questions. Experience Reiki’s healing energy for yourself and learn to use it to help yourself and others! This is an informative and fun class that will help you delve deeper in the positive, healing energy that is Reiki. I hope to see you there!
“Can Reiki Help Me?”
I seriously get this question a lot! I tell many of my clients that I’ve been a witness to Reiki’s many healing attributes. I’ve been using Reiki since 2008 and I’ve witnessed drug and alcohol addicts “kick” their habit after a year of weekly Reiki Therapy with me; a fibromyalgia sufferer improve mobility after just a couple of Reiki Therapy treatments; a show horse responding to the effects of Reiki by winning a competition just a few days after his session with me; a woman receiving weekly Reiki therapy treatments for depression made a positive change in her life’s circumstances and now own’s her own business helping others and she attributes Reiki Therapy to her success; I could go on and on…..
Reiki’s other attributes:
- Reiki can assist in faster healing from surgeries when done both before and after surgery. Also, it can help heal the trauma associated with having the body & the energy field invaded by the actual surgical cut, the anesthesia, the IVs, the other pokes and prods that happen while undergoing surgery and a hospital visit, and the possible lack of empathetic touch.
- Studies have shown that Reiki can be extremely helpful to those dealing with cancer and the side effects of medical treatments. It can give cancer patients a boost to their energy field that can assist in greater energy during their treatments of chemo, radiation, surgery, and the many CAT scans and other tests that may drain energy. It can also assist in healing emotional and spiritual issues that may accompany a cancer diagnosis.
- Stress reactions in the body, such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and chest tightness or tension, have been alleviated and controlled with consistent Reiki appointments. Reiki may also be helpful for relieving PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) from many various causes such as active service in the armed forces, accidents, abuse, and other trauma.
- Reiki can help to bring fresh and creative insights into situations at work, home, and with relationships, making it easier to handle and process daily life more effectively. Contact me for a Reiki Therapy appointment to feel better today!
On the Move!
“To everything there is a season…” as quoted from the Byrds! I will be moving my Reiki practice from Tilton Chiropractic Wellness Center to TTS Fitness at 640 Arlington Ct., Middleville, MI about a mile up the road. The new place is better suited to my practice as it is completely handicapped accessible and has more parking spaces available. My hours of operation will be slightly different, but should not pose a problem for current or new clients. I will be receiving clients at the new location starting April 11, 2016. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Until then, just “turn, turn, turn”. (This song will be stuck in my head the rest of the day!)
Take Charge of your Health and Well-being!
Now that the holidays are behind us it’s time to get back on track with our health. Flu season will be upon us and the respiratory virus has been floating about, it’s time to take charge of our health. Now is the time for healthy eating, exercise, taking natural supplements and Reiki Therapy (RT). RT can help relax physical and emotional toxins and give your immune system a boost. It also has many other benefits such as: helps with stress and lack of energy, removes blocked and restrictions in the body, help release head, neck and back pain, helps with sinus or allergy issues, body aches or chronic illness, TMJ, fibromyalgia, post traumatic stress disorder and many other conditions. Any of these conditions can eventually compromise the function of the central nervous system – and the performance of nearly every other system in the body. RT can free the central nervous system to perform at its best. RT may naturally eliminate pain and stress, strengthen your resistance to disease, and enhance your health and well-being. Call me today for your Reiki Therapy appointment and see for yourself how great you can feel!